Evolution & Biological Classifications

Evolution is the one concept that explains everything that we know about organisms today. As fossil records clearly show, life has been evolving on Earth over the course of the last billion years, resulting in diversity between organisms of the past and those of the present. But, along with this diversity, there is also unity in the form of shared features. For example, seahorses, hummingbirds, … Continue reading Evolution & Biological Classifications

Diffusion & Electrostatics

To completely understand resting potential, we need to take a look two basic phenomena in nature: diffusion and electrostatics.  Diffusion is the process by which particles spread out or mix, for instance, in a solution. Take for example a beaker of water. Imagine that you drop a bit of dye into the beaker and wait. After the initial ‘splash’ of the dye falling into the … Continue reading Diffusion & Electrostatics

Blood Vessels

Blood flows through a closed system. Blood always travels through blood vessels except when it enters the chambers of the heart. When blood is pumped from the heart, it travels through five types of blood vessels – arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and finally veins. Arteries are the first type of blood vessels that blood enters after being pumped out of the heart, and when the … Continue reading Blood Vessels

Transformation of Energy, Biological Systems, & Environmental Interactions

The fundamental characteristic of all living organisms is their use of energy to carry out life’s activities. Moving, growing, reproducing, and other cellular activities all require energy. The input of energy from the sun, and the transformation of that energy from one form to another is what makes life possible. For example, plants absorb energy from the sun through their leaves, but the energy does … Continue reading Transformation of Energy, Biological Systems, & Environmental Interactions

The Nervous System

Neurons are the cells in our nervous system that are involved in signaling messages to the various parts of our body. Neurons have basic components that can be easily recognized; These components include the cell body, which is the cell’s control center, the dendrites, which receive messages from surrounding neurons, the axon, which runs away from the cell body and towards other cells, and the … Continue reading The Nervous System

Resting Potential & Voltage

Although there are many different kinds of neurons in the nervous system, the same basic electrical principles underlie their function. Before we can get into the complexities of neuronal signaling, let us take a look at the electrical principles that are in play when the cell is at rest.  When you look at a typical neuron, you can see that it has a variety of … Continue reading Resting Potential & Voltage

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation. The term cardiovascular, can be broken down into “cardio”, which means pertaining to the heart and “vascular”, which refers to the vessels of our body that contain fluid, specifically blood. Therefore, the cardiovascular system involves the heart, blood, the arteries, the veins, and the capillaries of the human body.  It is crucial to understand that all … Continue reading Cardiovascular System

Cellular Processes

The cell is the smallest unit of biological organization that can perform all the activities necessary for life. In the 1830s, the famous cell theory was first developed by botanist Mathias Schleiden and zoologist Theodore Schwann. The theory states that all living organisms are composed of the basic units of life, cells, and all organism’s actions are propelled by the cell’s functions. For example, your … Continue reading Cellular Processes

Neural Communication

Biopsychology is a branch of psychology that deals specifically with how the brain and neurotransmitters act upon the body, influencing what we do, say, and feel. In other words, it is the biology of the mind. This field leans heavily on neuroscience and includes the study of the nervous system. Anatomy, physiology, and statistics are also essential in the study of biopsychology.  Understanding the nervous … Continue reading Neural Communication