Blood Groups & Fluid Exchange

World War I, known as the Great War, resulting in approximately 40 million deaths, marked a pivotal moment in our understanding of the significance of blood transfusions. The sudden loss of large volumes of blood, often due to acute traumas like gunshot wounds or amputations, is typically fatal. However, the practice of transfusing blood from a healthy individual, who can withstand the loss of 1-2 … Continue reading Blood Groups & Fluid Exchange

The Blood & Lymph

Blood serves as the primary transporter of nutrients to the billions of cells within the human body. Regardless of the individual functions of each cell, such as the contracting ability of cardiomyocytes, all cells depend on the nutrients and materials provided by the circulating bloodstream. Plasma, comprising over one-half of the blood’s volume, is the fluid component containing many substances essential for blood function. The … Continue reading The Blood & Lymph

Blood Vessels

Blood flows through a closed system. Blood always travels through blood vessels except when it enters the chambers of the heart. When blood is pumped from the heart, it travels through five types of blood vessels – arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and finally veins. Arteries are the first type of blood vessels that blood enters after being pumped out of the heart, and when the … Continue reading Blood Vessels

The Basics of Anatomy

The extent of human knowledge has greatly increased over the recent years, with inquiring individuals making breakthrough discoveries in many fields. Despite their achievements and intellectual abilities, most people lack an understanding of their bodies, the structures within, as well as the collaboration between those various parts. As I take you on the journey to understand the “normal” human body, I will first cover the … Continue reading The Basics of Anatomy