The Nervous System

Neurons are the cells in our nervous system that are involved in signaling messages to the various parts of our body. Neurons have basic components that can be easily recognized; These components include the cell body, which is the cell’s control center, the dendrites, which receive messages from surrounding neurons, the axon, which runs away from the cell body and towards other cells, and the … Continue reading The Nervous System

Neural Communication

Biopsychology is a branch of psychology that deals specifically with how the brain and neurotransmitters act upon the body, influencing what we do, say, and feel. In other words, it is the biology of the mind. This field leans heavily on neuroscience and includes the study of the nervous system. Anatomy, physiology, and statistics are also essential in the study of biopsychology.  Understanding the nervous … Continue reading Neural Communication

The History of Bioelectricity

Neurology is a very intriguing field of human anatomy and medicine that deals with the function, structure, influence, and disorders of the nervous system. To start off, the nervous system is the major control, regulatory, and communication system in the body. It is made up of a complex network of nerves and neurons that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to … Continue reading The History of Bioelectricity