Birth Order Theory & Its Impacts

The phrase “he seems like an only child” is commonly employed as a backhanded insult to characterize someone displaying traits such as a lack of empathy, selfishness, oversensitivity, and difficulty collaborating with others. Have you ever wondered if these stereotypes and generalizations about the “only child” group are substantiated by scientific evidence? Well, the classification of personality types has been explained through the lens of … Continue reading Birth Order Theory & Its Impacts

The Relationship Between Nature, Nurture, & Human Diversity

There has been a longstanding debate in the realms of psychology and medicine regarding the factors that influence one’s personality. The age-old question persists: Is it nature or nurture that plays a predominant role? Moreover, how do these two concepts intricately mold the personality and subsequent behavior of each individual? In this blog, we hope explore the intricate relationship among nature, nurture, and human diversity. … Continue reading The Relationship Between Nature, Nurture, & Human Diversity