Careers in Biopsychology

Biopsychology is a field not widely familiar to many; therefore, there should be greater discussion on its potential career pathways. For those intrigued by biopsychology, numerous career options await. Some opt for research roles, finding employment in universities, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, or various industries. Others prefer direct patient interaction, aiding individuals coping with brain damage or conditions significantly impacting their behavior and functioning. Hence, … Continue reading Careers in Biopsychology

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow’s pioneering theory on the Hierarchy of Human Needs remains a cornerstone in psychology, providing a framework to understand the intricate interplay between basic survival instincts and higher aspirations for personal fulfillment. Maslow’s conceptualization elucidates that before individuals can embark on the journey towards self-actualization, they must first address fundamental physiological requirements. This hierarchical structure, often depicted as a pyramid, defines a progression from … Continue reading Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Self vs Social Identity – The Battle of the Selves

Understanding the concept of identity delves into the essence of who we are as individuals within the intricate tapestry of society. At its core, identity encapsulates the distinctive characteristics that set us apart from others, yet it also encompasses our connections to broader social constructs. Whether it’s our nationality, culture, or gender, identity encompasses both our uniqueness and our communal ties. Exploring the elements that … Continue reading Self vs Social Identity – The Battle of the Selves

Operant Conditioning – Associative Learning

Operant conditioning, a form of associative learning, centers on the consequences that follow our actions and how they influence the likelihood of those behaviors recurring. To comprehend operant conditioning, several key terms need clarification. Firstly, a stimulus, also known as an antecedent, precedes the behavior and typically triggers it. The behavior itself is the response to this stimulus. Subsequently, the consequence of the behavior, whether … Continue reading Operant Conditioning – Associative Learning

Classical Conditioning – A Learning Experience

The idea of learning is integral to our everyday lives as human beings. Children are enrolled in pre-school and the k-12 education system to learn new information and proper behavior. Adults in their field of work learn new practices or technological skills. Given the importance of learning in life, it is crucial to understand and define the innerworkings of the learning process. To start off, … Continue reading Classical Conditioning – A Learning Experience

Sigmund Freud’s Contributions to Personality Psychology

The topic of personality has always been of significant interest to the field of psychology, with many psychologists making discoveries that have further our modern understanding of the human mind and its impact on personality and behavior. Of all the psychologists that have contributed to this field, none have made contributions has extensive and significant as Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud was born on May 6th, … Continue reading Sigmund Freud’s Contributions to Personality Psychology

The Theories of Personality – Different Approaches in Determining Personality

Every individual is unique, whether in ethnicity, hair color, academic interests, or career paths. Yet, among these distinctions, personality stands out as one of the most defining factors. As explored in the previous Biopsychology blog, personality encompasses a person’s patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Over the past century, numerous psychologists have formulated theories in an attempt to unravel the mysteries behind the development of … Continue reading The Theories of Personality – Different Approaches in Determining Personality

How Siblings Influence Our Personality

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with another person where you question the intricacies of their personality and characteristics, wondering about the factors that shape them? The influences on personality are vast, particularly when examining environmental factors. Among these, parents traditionally held the spotlight in molding a child’s values and behavior, consequently shaping their personality. However, recent research suggests that siblings can exert … Continue reading How Siblings Influence Our Personality

Birth Order Theory & Its Impacts

The phrase “he seems like an only child” is commonly employed as a backhanded insult to characterize someone displaying traits such as a lack of empathy, selfishness, oversensitivity, and difficulty collaborating with others. Have you ever wondered if these stereotypes and generalizations about the “only child” group are substantiated by scientific evidence? Well, the classification of personality types has been explained through the lens of … Continue reading Birth Order Theory & Its Impacts

The Relationship Between Nature, Nurture, & Human Diversity

There has been a longstanding debate in the realms of psychology and medicine regarding the factors that influence one’s personality. The age-old question persists: Is it nature or nurture that plays a predominant role? Moreover, how do these two concepts intricately mold the personality and subsequent behavior of each individual? In this blog, we hope explore the intricate relationship among nature, nurture, and human diversity. … Continue reading The Relationship Between Nature, Nurture, & Human Diversity